7 ways to get published by paying online magazines and blogs

Yemurai Nhongo
8 min readNov 7, 2021


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Avoid common writing mistakes and get paid to be published by online magazines and blogs that pay for content.

One of the many ways to make money online is to write for paying online magazines and blogs. There are so many to be found, with subject matter so varied that it is easy to find a good fit for you and your writing style.

There are paid newsletters and some free sites that will give you a list of paying writing gigs. Some of the magazines and blogs only accept work from freelancers at certain times if the year, while others publish all year round.

With the entire world leaning more and more towards online work (thanks Covid 19...NOT!) the competition for paid submissions is ever increasing. There are at least a million freelance writers all over the world that are competing for space in the market.

To get your articles published you have to find ways to stand out and impress the editors of your targeted publication.

I have been a freelance writer for years now, and I have noticed a number of steps that anyone could take to ensure success in the field. I decided to share these tips to give other freelancers a fighting chance to make money with their writing like I do.

So, you want to see your article/story/blog post published by blogs, magazines and newsletters that pay? Here’s how to better your chances:

1. Follow the guidelines that they give you for style etc

You have your own style of writing, and that's great...for your own work. When you want to be in the running to get published by a paying magazine or blog, you have to take THEIR style into consideration. Most of them encourage that you take the time to read some of the stories or articles that they have published in the past so that you can get a feel for the type of vibe that they want to create.

Luckily for you, these paying publishers also give detailed guidelines for what they are looking for. Be sure to read and understand every stipulation that they have for you. Don't make assumptions, make sure you understand what is required for the piece that you are writing.

2. Don't go over the word count

Some editors will not even look at anything that runs below the minimum and above the maximum set limit for the length of ab article or story. Be mindful of how you distribute your points. Don't waste time describing something mundane vividly, when you have the more salient points to consider. Prioritise! That will help you to stick to the word limit that has been set.
It is perfectly fine to go over your work and cut some stuff out, or add a bit more to a paragraph. Just make sure you stick to what the editor wants, and this differs from editor to editor.

3. Proofread and edit your work for goodness' sake!

There is nothing more annoying than having to go through an article that is riddled with typos, horrible grammar, statements that start but don't seem to be going anywhere... I could go on with this, it's one of my pet peeves! Yes...you may call me a snob or the grammar police...I don't mind.

If a publisher has to edit your work to the point where it almost feels like they're rewriting it, do you think they will want to pick your article for publishing? They ARE paying you after all. The least you can do is make sure that you've handled any obvious errors.

Windows has a lovely, very functional spell checker which helps correct spelling mistakes, incomplete sentences etcetera etcetera. Use it please! You can even use sites like Grammarly to make sure that your work is on point.

4. Meet the deadline

Tardiness is one of your worst enemies! Never ever miss a deadline. This will be the death of your career. If you submit your work late, best believe there are hundreds of freelancers that sent their work in on time. They will be the ones getting considered for publishing, and your work may even fail to be submitted depending on the medium being used.
Pace yourself. Plan out your writing tone and stick with it.

5. Your content has to be original

Original work is the mainstay of writing. Do not just copy and paste work, then try to take the credit for yourself. This is wrong in so many ways, and could even land you in trouble with the law. Plagiarism is frowned upon EVERYWHERE, and it definitely won’t get your work published by paying magazines and blogs. Rigorous checks are done because they don’t want the mountain of litigation that’s likely to come to them for publishing someone’s hard work, their intellectual property, without permission.

6. Write stuff you can speak authoritatively about

You can't go wrong if you write about stuff that you know. If you're passionate about it, that's a bonus! This means that you'll actually be informative, or, if it's fiction, you'll likely be very entertaining. Editors want to publish work that will bring the reader back to the site again and again. You should be creative as well as knowledgeable.
Write from an angle that hasn't been thought of before, bringing a fresh perspective. That may seem like a hard ask, and it is, but you could also delve into the topic from a viewpoint that is seldom used. That will earn you some points with publishers because even THEY have sites that they compete with for digital space. The want their content to be different enough to attract attention. After all, traffic is the name of the game.

7. Make sure your research is on point

This goes without saying... Don't tell blatant lies in your journalism and opinion pieces. Show that you actually looked into the subject matter. If you have live primary sources, that's even better. Everyone can Google, so be sure not to overly rely on the first few searches that pop up. Dig deep.


8. Believe in yourself

Lastly, believe in yourself! Rejection happens in this industry a lot, do not be fooled. You have to be tenacious enough to pick yourself up and give it another go. Should you be fortunate enough to get proper feedback that highlights why your work was rejected, use it as a learning curve.

I always say, 'You learn something new everyday.' You really do, that saying isn't juat a cliche. Try not to take it too personally when publishers pass you over in favour of another writer. Instead, keep it moving.

Keep writing. Keep sending pitches to publishers. Don't stop trying. One day the door will be blown wide open and you will wonder how you didn't see this from the very beginning. Persistence pays! (Another true cliche).

There you have it folks! If you follow these steps, and keep writing even if things seem to be slow, you're sure to start making money online and smiling all the way to the bank! Check out this article for a list of some online magazines and blogs that are looking for content.

Watch this space for a newsletter that I'm launching where you can get paying online opportunities in your mailbox EVERY WEEK! I'll also be launching a whatsapp version of that newsletter for those that prefer that. I promise I never share your contact details. As a matter of fact, you can check out my privacy policy and disclaimers here. I respect your privacy.

Not sure how you can get paid for your online work? I wrote about that here, check out the post on platforms that I have used myself. I'll keep looking out for more and be sure to post about it.

If you would prefer to sell your services to a market that needs writers, graphics designer and, photographers, voice over artists and so much more, you could sign up to be a Fiverr seller here.

Check out this article to find out about other ways to make money online from the comfort of your own home.

I'm going to keep posting more helpful material both here and on social media, so follow me and be notified whenever I post something new.

I would love to see you on my social media pages! Come by and have a conversation with me on my blog, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Medium and LinkedIn.



Yemurai Nhongo
Yemurai Nhongo

Written by Yemurai Nhongo

Writing is my love, research is my passion. My quest is to pave the way for anyone to make money online.

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